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November Birthstones: Topaz & Citrine

November Birthstones: Topaz & Citrine

November is another month with two birthstones - citrine and topaz. With these two gems, you have a wide variety of colors to choose from. Citrine comes in yellow and orange shades, while topaz has colors from across the rainbow. These two are also very affordable compared to many other birthstone gems; the most challenging part will be choosing what gem and color you prefer!

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Celebrate August's Birthstone: the Peridot

Celebrate August's Birthstone: the Peridot
We’ve made it to August and that means this month’s birthstone is the peridot. The color is reminiscent of the light-filled days of the summer and the green of nature as plants continue to bloom at the end of the season. This light green gem has a rich history that spans around the world. Continue reading

Rubies in July

Rubies in July

The birthstone for July is rubies! They’re also given for the 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries. The ruby is one of the most popular precious gemstones and holds up well when worn daily. Next to fancy color diamonds, rubies are the most expensive gemstones per carat. Whether you’re shopping for a piece of ruby jewelry because it’s your birthstone, to celebrate an anniversary, or just because, it’s a gorgeous gemstone to own!

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How to Take Proper Care of Your Engagement Ring

How to Take Proper Care of Your Engagement Ring

Knowing how to take care of your engagement ring is vital if you want to keep it in the best condition possible. Too many people forget that gold can wear down and need repair. You want to treat your fine jewelry, especially a piece you’ll be wearing everyday like your engagement ring, with care. There are various steps you can take at home and with us to make sure your ring stays stunning!

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4 Tips for Starting Your Wedding Planning

4 Tips for Starting Your Wedding Planning

Wedding planning doesn’t have to be overwhelming!

Once you get engaged and start planning your wedding, it can seem like there are a million details to take care of before the big day. While there are plenty of tasks you need to get done, it doesn’t have to be stressful and take away the enjoyment of just being engaged.

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January Birthstone: Garnets

January Birthstone: Garnets
January is the month that signifies the beginning of a new year. We set resolutions, view it as a fresh start, and look forward to the year ahead. The birthstone for this month is a special one - the garnet. Continue reading

The Birthstones of December

The Birthstones of December
December is a month with three incredibly gorgeous birthstones - all in a range of icy blues. The three gemstones for December are tanzanite, zircon, and turquoise, all in their blue hues. Sometimes, blue topaz is also included as a December birthstone, though not as widely recognized as the other three. Blue topaz is a great gemstone to use in jewelry if you’re looking for a more affordable birthstone option. Each of these gemstones used for December has its own, rich history. Continue reading

October's Birthstones: Opal & Tourmaline

October's Birthstones: Opal & Tourmaline
The month of October features two birthstones - opal and pink tourmaline. You might be wondering, why does October have two birthstones? Originally, opal was the sole birthstone of the month, but some felt the gem was too feminine and not durable enough, so pink tourmaline was added. Now, the two are considered equal holders of the title of October’s birthstone. Continue reading

4 Tips for Making the Last Week Before Your Wedding as Stress-Free as Possible

4 Tips for Making the Last Week Before Your Wedding as Stress-Free as Possible
As anyone knows, wedding planning can be extremely stressful. Even if you didn’t find the process too anxiety-inducing, you’re probably feeling a little nervous the week leading up to your wedding. Instead of getting overwhelmed, here are some tips to make it much less stressful so you can fully enjoy the experience and your big day. Continue reading

September Sapphires

September Sapphires
We’re now firmly into September and it’s time to recognize this month’s gorgeous birthstone! The sapphire is an iconic gemstone, best known for its deep blue hue. You probably think of your birthstone as blue, but it comes in a variety of other colors as well! Continue reading
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